Sunday, October 9, 2011

The End

the trigger have been pulled
the sound of the bullet being fired
echoed in the air

stuck in the jam
when the bullet hit
as silent as it is
though it was expected
that the bullet is coming
avoiding it seem impossible

blood ooze out from the wound
warm and yet cold
warning that it's a critical wound
but what can be done
to heal the wound

slowly as it seem
a small drizzle started
which continue to evolve into
a downpour
as if the sky
tries to wash off the pain and suffering
that the would have caused

that joyful person
shed tears of sadness
with a wound
healed only with the passage of time
and the acceptance of the past
and the welcoming of the future
but i guess it'll linger in the past for a while
until the time comes to move on

the trigger have pulled
there is no going back
no reversal
what remains is the memories


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