Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To Japan, We Care

This is a special movement organised and supported by sunway pyramid management.
There are special boxes erected at various location in sunway pyramid.
At every box, there will be step by step instruction on how to fold a origami crane.
There will also be different colour of paper provided at each box.
What we have to do is very simple, follow the instruction provided on the box.
Fold the paper crane and post it into the boxes.
p/s you can write messages on the paper provided.
This is a movement to create awareness of the catastrophic event that happened in Japan.
Earthquakes and Tsunamis that hit Japan.
People, Japan need our help right now.
We might not be able to help them physically as we are unable to enter the radiation alert japan.
We might not be able to help them financially as we are just merely students.
We might not be able to do anything at all.
But as a fellow citizen on mother earth, we can however provide them with the mental support that they needed right now.
Fold a paper crane if you ever drop by sunway pyramid.
It only takes you less than 5 minutes to complete one paper crane.
Show some love, show some support.
Make your stand as a fellow citizen of mother earth helping a fellow neighbour.
To Japan, We care.

Fold, Fold, Fold, Post~!!