Saturday, April 27, 2013

Opinion for Msia #1

Malaysia election is coming soon.
Here are some opinion that i personally have
about the upcoming election
and also the manisfesto from both parties.

#1 reduction of car price.
Even though i would love to have this,
as a personal transportation vehicle is almost essential
to every single malaysian
However, being someone who is environmental conscious
i would prefer the improvement of the public transportation system

The reduction of the car selling prices would allow more malaysian
to be able to afford the vehicle of their choice,
thus increasing the number of cars on the road
increasing the rate of having traffic jams
and also increasing the rate of pollution

Improve the public transportation.
Increase the number of public bus, train and cab.
Train driver with proper driving ethic and basic manners.
Standardize taxi rate and be strict about the metered cab,
strongly ban cab company that does not use meter to charge the passengers.
Introduce cheap fares plan for public transport to entice the public at large.
Increase centralized bus station especially within cities so that people can change buses easily.
Implement specialized lane for public transport especially within the city area
and fine those who abuse the specific lane.
Have new laws and regulation passed for road safety. Implement them strongly.
Have tax reduction for those who use public transport by introducing a touchngo similar system
to track all the transaction used for public transport.
and etc.

Signing off.

~Jason Chia~
These are just my opinion, no siding to any sides.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Iron Man Three

The first movie i watched for the year 2013
and my comment for that movie is
It's WAY BETTER than expected.

The story line was connective and self explanatory
The acting was great and appropriate
The actors are well chosen
The flow of the movie was smooth
The moral education behind the movie was HUGELY PRESENT
And the ending was a BANG

There will be no spoiler alert here
as i will strongly advise watching the movie in the cinema
with your friends and family
I can safely say that Iron Man Three have compensated for that
No EYE See Iron Man Two
And have paved a good way for the upcoming AVENGERS 2
Looking forward to watching Iron Man Three in DOWNLOADED HD

Before that, another congratulations for you.
Job well done after all the sacrifices and hard work.
Kudos to you.

And to the Bear/Pig/Duck/Dog
Don't LAZY LA.

Signing Off

~Jason Chia~
Spoiler Alert
Robert Downey Jr Dance is CHEEKY

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I'm super tempted to go watch now.
Hot Lady.
Superb Action.
Iron Suit.
Weapon of Mass Destruction.
Good Actor.
Good Director.
Good Trailer.


Signing Off

~Jason Chia~
Please Ask me out to WATCH this.

Outcry #2

The above link will send you
to a page where they have rated tentatively
the top job in the world and how they arrive at their conclusion.

It's quite an eye opener 
as some of the job you think is in demand
like doctor, accountant and lawyer
are actually ranked quite low
all the odd field of study manage to get high rankings
 like professor, mathematician

If you still have no idea what you want to do in life
have a look at this chart
google their respective job description
and who know
maybe you will find the right one for you instead

Here's a quote i learn from an hindi movie,
The 3 idiots,
which is very inspiring
"Persue excellence, and success will follow,
pants down."

Signing Off

~Jason Chia~
Pay Day is Happy Day

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Outcry #1

Seems familiar?
You should know it as well.
When someone reply you short.
When someone don't even bother to reply.
You have experience this recently for your job.
So, you would know how painful is this.
Even the smallest reply brings joy.

I find you cause i really do care.
I really do care.

I'm still waiting.
Waiting for a reply.

P.S This is not aim at any specific person.
If you felt insulted/disgusted/happy/relieved
This is because you are from either side of the above conversation.

Signing Off.

~Jason Chia~
Wednesday Blue(s)

Monday, April 22, 2013



Quite a packed timetable of mine for this month.
But i feel very satisfied with this, 
as i am spending more time for myself.
Selfish? Yeah. I love myself even more right now.

Still waiting for the answer.
Waiting is the worst process in the world.
So many uncertainty and possibilities.
But, good things will come to those that are patience.
I hope it will be a good answer.

Two weeks already since the silent treatment.
Guessing its because you are too occupied to reply.
Or maybe you already gave up.
But still wanting to hear the whole thing from you.
So its another waiting game.
Hope it won't turn sour as i don't want to lose this.

Signing off.

~Jason Chia~